How Wildlife can Damage your Roof (Raccoons)

Wildlife, such as raccoons and squirrels, damage roofs in their attempts to reach the attic inside. Like hollow trees, attics present animals with an opportunity to nest above ground. Animals find the safety of the attic attractive and they can sense that it is warm by the air that escapes the roof vents. They can also smell the food that is kept inside the house. Inside and out, wild animals will cause a tremendous amount of damage to the roof. Contact a raccoon removal company in Toronto to remove the animals on your property and prevent the following damages.

  • Structural Damage

Wildlife can damage the roof by tearing the shingles and creating holes. Squirrels can chew through wooden, plastic, and aluminum structures such as ventilation caps and drip edges. Raccoons are known to break vents open and push into the soffits to reach the attic. Any vulnerability, such as a gap in the roof’s edge, will be exploited by wildlife looking for a place to nest.

  • Feces and Urine

Raccoons leave piles of feces and urine around their dens, called latrines. Raccoons living in the chimney or attic will leave these on the roof, creating foul odours that attract other animals to the area. Animal droppings may contain harmful bacteria and parasites that could make you, your family, and your pets very sick.

  • Attic Damage

Animals that have made holes in the roof expose the attic to the elements, causing mold and risking further damage to the ceiling below. Raccoons and other pests living in the attic will damage the insulation as well, contaminating the air and increasing energy costs. They also risk starting fires and causing power outages by chewing on electrical cables.

  • More Pests

One pest often leads to another. Infested attics with holes in the roof invite more pests such as insects, mice, and birds. Some species are attracted to the smells of others. Raccoons, for example, may invade a squirrel’s nest when in search of a meal.

So, what can you do about the wildlife in your neighbourhood? Start by removing food and other attractants from your property. Animals are especially attracted to homes where there is plenty to eat. Remove bird feeders and bird baths and pick up any fruit that may have fallen to the ground. Harvest the foods from your garden as soon as they ripen and consider protecting your vegetable patch with metal row covers. Reduce clutter in the yard, pull weeds, and mow the lawn on a regular basis. Trim tree branches a few feet away from the roof.

Hire a wildlife removal company to pest-proof the structure of your roof. They can make your roof impenetrable by sealing and blocking off all potential entry points. Once protected, simply examine your roof from time to time to see if it needs repairs. Wild animals will cause a lot of damage to the roof and the attic inside. If you have been witnessing a lot of animal activity in your neighbourhood, visit for an inspection and wildlife-proofing service that will keep the pests out of your home.